Reflection paragraph on process.

What I felt during this project is that I can't believe some people think the world was formed by what people call the Big Bang Theory. Is was pretty easy trying to find the pictures for this topic, but the information was kind of jard to find. What I liked was picking your background for your blog. What I disliked was I wish I had choose a better topic. I don't know what I would do if I had to do this projectagain, but it wouldn't be this topic.

Reflection paragraph on sources.

The websites I used were pretty helpful. Most helped me find the information I needed to use. The most useful was the website I used on finding th quotes. They had a lot of quotes you can choose from supporting my topic. And there was only a couple sites that were trying to explain the Big Bang Theory.

Works cited.

Wordle #2 based on topic key terms.

Wordle: Jordan

Reflection paragraph on findings.

The most important facts were how long ago this occured, which was 17 billion years ago. The way I feel about the facts i learned is I dont believe the world was made this way. I believe it was made by god, not by floating chemicals coming together. The most surprising was people believed it started by a ball of fire. The way i feel about my topis now is I believe people have it wrong, the universe wasn't made this way.

Finding paragraph #3.

How is the Big Bang Theory explained?

An overwhelming weight of evidence has convinced cosmologists that the universe came into existence at a definite moment in time, some 13 billion years ago, in the form of a superhot, superdense fireball of energetic radiation. This is known as the Big Bang theory. Until the arrival of the Big Bang theory the universe was believed to be essentially eternal and unchanging, represented by the Steady State model. The first clear hint that the universe might change as time passes came in 1917 when Albert Einstein developed his General Theory of Relativity. Einstein realised that his equations said that the universe must be either expanding or contracting, but it could not be standing still, because if it were then gravity would attract all the galaxies towards one another.

Finding paragraph #2.

What caused the Big Bang Theory?.

 Most people agree that the universe started very small and very dense and underwent an initial inflation that lasted a infinitismle fraction of a second, thus the universe expanded much faster than the speed of light and you thought nothing could move faster than the speed of light. But the universe was still really hot, so hot that ordinary atoms couldn't even exist. Electrons caused very small packets of light called photons to scatter continuously, and if you can believe it, light was actually linked, or coupled, to the particles, causing the whole universe to glow.